Poland & Blog Updates
Hello from Poland! We took a ferry from Copenhagen on Monday night to Swinojuice (or something) and spent the last two days cycling to Kolobrezg. We will be staying with a guy we met in Oxford who offered to have us come to Poland and see the forests he manages. So, we are here. The weather, landscape, and vegetation remind both of us very much of South Carolina and Georgia. It is hot and humid with sunny mornings and super rainy afternoons with thunder storms.
We were planning on camping last night but it rained so hard on us for like an hour that we were totally soaked. It was comical how wet we were. Fotrunatly, Poland is like the Mexico of Europe and everything is really inexpensive. We stayed in a 4 bed room in Lukesin for like $25. Poland is worlds different from Scandanavia. The whole of the coast is one big German military ruin and the cars are straight from Russia. Very different, but cool. We are having a blast trying to communicate with people that know zero English. We only know one word of Polish - juncuya or thanks. I think we have met two people now (after talking to maybe 20) that knew any English at all and it was very little at that. Good times.
A Polish beach town near Lukecin. It was sunny and rainy every day we were in Poland.

I plan on finishing my post about Songefjord and then all the way through Sweden and Denmark but it will have to wait until we get better internet access. Hope all is well!
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